Mixing up the message a little bit here this morning to share 3 things that kill people’s cold plunging dreams.
Let’s go.
1- They don’t build into their life as a habit
This is perhaps the biggest killer of cold plunging dreams. Like anything else-working out, eating well, being a conscious communicator, etc, it has to be established as a habit.
One of the reasons that I created The 21 Day Cold Plunge Challenge was because the science shows that 21 consistent days is the starting point of building a new habit.
66 days is what the research says solidifies it.
You have to push through the “suck” for a while and overcome the resistance.
The good news?
You’ll feel really confident in yourself and more resilient as a human being for following through with something hard that less than 1% of the human population does.
2- They Overdo It
Trying to keep up with legends like Wim Hof might also crush your cold plunging dreams. It’s true that Wim holds several world records pertaining to cold exposure, but he’ll always tell people to “go with the feeling” and to “start gradually.”
Dr. Susanna Soeberg who is considered to now be one of the foremost researchers and experts on deliberate cold exposure found that the science shows that 11 minutes per WEEK is beneficial.
Breaking that down for you….
That simply means you could do 2 minutes, 5 days per week, or
3 ½ minutes x 3 days per week.
Don’t fatigue your body by trying to stay in the ice bath for 10-15 minutes each time.
Bottom line: an immense amount of noradrenaline is released in the process and when you stay in that long it may cause significant fatigue the next day (and the obvious is risk of hypothermia if you're not well trained)
3-They Never Get Educated
Spending some time getting educated on the scientific benefits behind cold plunging will help the practice to stick.
This means attending a workshop from an expert, reading some books, and listening to quality podcasts from people in the field. What this doesn’t mean is getting your information from a few social media reels or TikTok videos.
When you get a solid base of education around the science of deliberate cold exposure, you’ll be able to do it for the rest of your life enjoyably, safely, and confidently.
That’s a wrap for today!
On that note, I’m considering doing another Wim Hof Method Fundamentals workshop very soon where we dive deeper into the theory, science, and best practices.
If there’s enough people that raise their hand, I’ll get it on the calendar.
Hit reply to this email with “Fundamentals” if that might be something you’d be interested in.
All the love,
-Brock “Master the Fundamentals” Cannon
Kensho Co-Founder
P.S. Some of my favorite books on this subject are: The Wim Hof Method, Winter Swimming, and I’d also throw in any long form podcast by Dr. Andrew Huberman on the subject.
We have all of these books on the table at our Sarasota studio that you can read while you sip your hot tea:)