Today I wanted to share just a few suggestions for boosting our immune systems naturally.
Doesn’t it seem like there’s always “something going around” these days?
I’d like to offer up 3 of the most powerful immune boosters that won’t cost you a dime.
1-Take Cold Showers or Cold Plunge
It seems counterintuitive because our mothers always said, “Don’t go out in the cold or you’ll catch a cold,” but short term exposure in cold water is actually proven to boost your immune system.
Increased white blood cell production after a single cold plunge has been shown to still be active 6 days after, which means it triggers the ultimate immunity boost to your system.
Additionally, cold water exposure increased lymphatic drainage, which essentially pushed and clears out all the bad stuff.
2-Wim Hof Breathing or Upregulated Breathwork
One of the studies that put Wim’s credibility on the map was a study in which he did his breathing technique for 1 hour before he was injected with an endotoxin of e coli.
Normally when exposed to an endotoxin, our bodies show all the typical signs of sickness. Wim went on to train 12 others to do the same and the study found the same results:
The Wim Hof breathing technique works in boosting and fortifying our immune system.
Start with 3-4 rounds per day to begin.
You’ll feel amazing.
3-Practicing Gratitude
Did you know that you can boost your immune system simply by practicing gratitude?
A study piloted by Dr. Joe Dispenza and his team showed that participants who practiced gratitude each day for 3 days boosted their immune system by up to 50%.
It seems that being appreciative of everything we have pays dividends in terms of keeping us healthy.
Start or end your day by making a list of 5 things that you’re grateful for that day, and evoke as much grateful emotion as possible when you do it.
We are not powerful to be healthy, and so much is within our own power.
Have a wonderful day and be healthy, happy, and strong.