It’s been said that depression stems from dwelling on painful things in the past, and that anxiety is worrying about the future and the unknown.  

I often think about our genetic makeup and how we’re wired.

What used to protect us against predators, warring tribes, and from ultimately being killed is still hardwired in our DNA, despite most of those prehistoric threats not existing any longer. It’s really tricky to navigate.

For years I struggled with feeling like I was enough.

Blame it on childhood stuff or whatever, but it didn’t change the fact that I used to always look for external sources of validation.

Deep inside, I just wanted to feel ok with who I was. And I took a lot of long, dead end roads trying to find that person inside of myself.

For a long time my identity was as a cyclist. Then it was as an utlrarunner.

I’d look for accolades from race results.

I remember I used to get totally depressed when I didn’t feel 100% in one of my workouts.

If it went well, I’d be happy.

If it was a struggle that day, I’d be depressed.

It was a scary place to be.

Equally, I’d worry about the future because to “soothe” myself I’d make bad decisions that would hurt myself more and hurt others.

If you’ve heard my story before, you might remember that I even had a couple of times where I was so dark and depressed that I thought about taking my own life.

The big reason I share this is to:

1-Let you know that if you deal with bouts of depression or anxiety, you’re not alone. And,

2-I believe the remedy for most of this is already INSIDE of us, not outside.

Let’s all be honest here.

Mental health isn’t talked about enough.

Most people are scared to open that door for fear of looking “mentally unwell” or “weak” (very true for men).

I remember having a point after my darkest hour where I was like, “Ok. This is where I am. I can’t change it. And the only way forward is by going forward.”

Forward is a pace (as they say often in ultrarunning).

Today’s message isn’t about saying I have all the answers.

It’s just about saying to you FNAME that I see you out there.

I have compassion, I get it, and I’ve been there.

The big 3 practices for me that have helped me to internalize my own purpose and love for myself have been:



-And cold water therapy (this one is still technically and external force, but the practice itself allows us to go inward)

There’s more that works.

But today I just want everyone to know they are seen.

If you feel brave enough, hit reply and say, “Been there”.

Sometimes just that acknowledgement allows us to feel lighter.

-Brock “Been There” Cannon

Kensho Co-Founder

P.S. We only have 3 spots left for our Founding Members in The 5 Hour Breathwork Business.

Helping people with their mental health was why I got into this, and when I started I was such a mess I never thought in a million years that I’d be helping hundreds of people.

But that’s how it works.

You help yourself, and then you help others.

Last call today for those who want to spend an average of just 5 hours per week creating a real impact breathwork business that helps a lot of people and makes really good money.

It’ll be no fluff, just what works.

No exceptions, I’ll be bumping up the investment tomorrow (Feb 1) and we’re kicking off.

In 3, 6, or 9 months, you could be in a very different place. A place that allows you to feel so much joy, gratitude, and peace inside as you are helping people in this business.

It’s truly one of the greatest blessings of my life, and I’m going to teach you exactly how to do the same for yourself.

 Last call, hit reply with “DETAILS” and let’s do this important work together.

There’s people who are just like me out there waiting for you to step into this. They need you.


