A lot of people who come into the studio opt to skip the breathwork portion of the session.

And hey, you’re one of them ( I still love you!).

Some people are in a huge rush to get back to work, or they did it already that morning at home.

I hold zero judgment either way.

One of the things that will also make Kensho unique and different from other places is its emphasis on breathwork.

Over time, there’s a few reasons I’ve found why people have resistance towards doing breathwork.

Why People Are Resistant to Breathwork

1-They Don’t Think They Have Time

This is the oldest and lamest excuse in the book my friends. By now in your life, you also know that people make time for what matters.

So chances are you, the real issue is that you don’t understand how and why breathwork is so powerful.

The cool thing about the sessions that we offer at the studio, is that we have some that are as short as 2 minutes, and as long as an hour!

While the body won’t get the same response with a shorter session, it will still get a state change that is worthy of your time.

Personally, one of my favorite sessions on the Othership app is a 5 minute session called The Groove.

I do it every single afternoon, and it gets me going again with a very worthwhile energy boost.

2-People Are Afraid They’ll Look Stupid

I get it, there are still some stigmas around breathwork being “hippie dippie” or “new agey” but that is changing my friends.

There’s a reason major companies like Dropbox have hired me in the past, and it’s because no matter how silly people might look or feel, it significantly reduces stress levels and boosts productivity.

I’ll never forget watching Wim Hof on a podcast a couple of years ago with Russell Brand.

In between questions, when Russell was talking, Wim was taking deep breaths to boost his state on the podcast.

It was loud, and borderline obnoxious (and funny if you know Wim), but Wim could care less about looking stupid.

He cares about practicing what he preaches and in elevating his mood with his own breath.

The crazy ones change the world, so if you need to change the world and look silly by doing breathwork, then breathe away!

3-They Are Afraid They’re Doing It Wrong

I always tell people that the “best” breathwork technique is the one that you’ll do every single day. Just do the one you can repeat!


